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Role of Directorates of Communication and Civil Education

The role of the Directorates of Communication and that of Civic Education to promote accountability and transparency in government operations is enshrined in Article 35 of the Constitution of Kenya and assured in Part II, Section 4 of Access to Information Act 2016, and Sections 98-101 of the County Government Act 2012.

The regular provision of information on Government’s policy direction encourages stakeholder engagement and participation in decision-making processes. The mandates of the two sister directorates contributes greatly in establishing Tabrandich as a better planner of their resources, and as the first line of a robust system for monitoring and evaluation, which facilitates the efficient use of public resources, prevents corruption and misuse, and ensures public trust in government institutions.

Additionally, the two departments work to provide platforms for public feedback, consultations, and involvement, enabling policymakers to better understand and address the needs and aspirations of the community.

The directorate of Communication has the unique mandate of handling media relations and the management as well as positioning of the Baringo brand. These entail leveraging on the media and other publicity avenues to create a positive image for the County Government and Baringo County at large.