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Marking An Eventful Decade of Devolution

This is an exciting moment for Kenya as Devolution turns 10 years. For Baringo, it is a critical moment of reflection for the 3rd administration, our residents and our partners in development as we tackle the next 5 years together.
The future of devolution will present moments for choice and opportunities to use our past experiences as lessons to shape our future and do things differently by aspiring for greater common goals.
Here we provide a snapshot of socioeconomic development progress and general information about potential investment areas across all sectors in Baringo, highlighting the key milestones of devolution in the last 10 years, overview of bankable opportunities that are investor ready and information that is important to note.

The Baringo county government developed a concrete road map in 2015 for the revival of the...
n developing the meat value chain, the County Government has invested over Shs 60 Million in...
The county has implemented a number of strategies to enhance milk production including...
Beekeeping has traditionally been practiced in the county over a long time and has been...
In the last decade, the County Government has invested heavily in EDCE infrastructure. Over...
Baringo County Government has invested heavily on opening and improving access to productive...
Baringo county is endowed with numerous natural attractions, among them the internationally...
Baringo County is a water scarce county with a big percentage of the populace depending on...
Towards properly guiding and controlling development across all sectors of the economy, the...
Baringo County is extremely susceptible to the impacts of a changing climate because most...
COUNTY GOVERNMENT OF BARINGO in the financial year 2016/2017 acquired and fully...

Related Downloads

  1. This booklet provides a snapshot of socioeconomic development progress and general information about potential investment areas across all sectors in Baringo.It...
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