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Guidelines for the Election of HealthFacility Management Committees Validated

The rules and precedures ofelecting management committees for health facilities in Baringo County are atthe finalization after a successful validation exercise for the document wasconducted yesterday in Kabarnet.

The validation exercise whichbrought together various stakeholders including County Health Management Team(CHMT), Sub County Health Services Coordinators, ward administrators, facilityin-charges, Health Facility Management Committees (HFMC) among other concernedofficials considered the Guidelines, ensuring that the submissions they madeduring the process of development were included.

The Guidelines, among otheraspirations, aims to improve social accountability in the health sector, promoteaccountable and value-based leadership by ensuring that the elected committeemembers ascribe to, and are bound by good governance principles and standards.

The important exercise and the Guidelines Development process has been achieved through support from URAIA Trust and Centre forEnhancing Democracy and Good Governance (CEDGG), and is necessitated bythe need to have robust and inclusive Health Facility Management Committees, asthey play key roles in the efficient delivery of effective health services,more so in Dispensaries and Health Centres.
Additional key roles that HFMC play include overseeing service delivery and management of respective health facilities;resource mobilization, planning, and budgeting; and facilitating participation of citizens in decision-making at the facility level.

At completion, the community willbe sensitized to understand the roles of HFMC and the qualities expected ofthem before being selected to represent them in the important governance body.
CEDGG has been an instrumental partner of the County Government, collaborating in various social sectors within Baringo,with a view to improving service delivery through constant evidence-based civic engagement.

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