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Data is indispensable in transforming healthcare into a more effective, efficient, and patient-centered system. Its continuous analysis helps in monitoring performance, identifying areas for improvement, and in implementing initiatives to enhance quality. This leads to better patient outcomes and higher satisfaction rates.

Baringo County Department of Health, with support from USAID-Tujengee Jamii and DESIP, has today started a two-day County health data review meeting aimed at interrogating healthcare statistics, particularly in Reproductive Maternal, Neonatal and Child Healthcare (RMNCH), and HIV Testing, Treatment and Prevention Services, towards identifying areas where patient care can be improved.

Director of Medical Services Dr. Joseph Kangor, who opened the engagement urged participants to put more effort in further improving the quality of reporting, saying that the resulting data will provide a solid basis upon which a strong and resilient care ecosystem in the thematic areas will be built.

"By analyzing outcomes, errors, and patterns, we can develop strategies to enhance services to our patients. We must work as a team and learn from each other even as we learn from experience and take the data question in RMNCH, PMTCT and HIVC&T seriously." Dr. Kangor said.

In addition to informing strategic decision-making by highlighting trends, forecasting future needs, and guiding policy development, data review fora provide platforms for various healthcare teams to discuss findings, share insights, and collaborate on solutions and fostering a culture of continuous improvement.

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