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The Department of Health Services is keen on further improving nutrition indicators across Baringo, especially in underserved areas of the County.

Speaking yesterday when he joined the County Nutrition Technical Forum for a meeting to discuss strategies to upscale access to nutrition in the 7 Sub Counties, the CECM Health Services Dr. Solomon Sirma urged participants to give nutrition services keen attention as the service mainly target children at their most vulnerable stages of life.

We depend on nutritionists to nurture a healthy generation and you should therefore do your best in you work stations to deliver this key service. You must ensure professionalism is upheld within your areas of jurisdiction because that is what will give us the desired indicators and ensure all children in need of nutrition services are reached. Dr. Sirma said.

In the forum which brought together the Sub County and County Health Management Teams, the County Nutritionist Ms Anne Kimwa said among the nutrition indicators they have earmarked for improvement include Vitamin A+ Deworm coverage and reaching every child below 5 years with supplementation of VAS +D to prevent helminthic, improve sight and boost immunity.

The technical forum also deliberated on the improvement of quality services in management of malnutrition-admissions and cure rates and also strategies to strengthen reporting and nutrition commodities supply chain.

The CEC was accompanied by the Couty Director of Promotive and Preventive health Dr. Patrick Boruet in the forum that was also attended by representatives of various partners including the Kenya Red Cross, Unicef, ACF, Self Help Africa, Farming Systems Kenya and UTJ.

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