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Job Details/Description:

SUB-COUNTY REVENUE OFFICER, Two (2) positions JG J (REF;BCPSB/030/2025)

Salary as per SRC

Terms of Service:Permanent and Pensionable

Dutiesand Responsibilities

i. Performance of duties of revenue collector

ii. Implementation of established revenue system

iii.Prompt collection and accounting of all revenue dueto the government within areas of jurisdiction.

iv.Supervision of revenue staff within areas ofjurisdiction

v. Maintain schedules for revenue sources within theSub County

vi.Undertake periodic surveys to determine feasibilityof revenue collection

vii. Daily monitoring and reporting

viii. Submission of statutory reports and records withinset deadlines.

ix.Requisition, safe custody and accounting forreceipt books for revenue collection within areas of jurisdiction.

x. Preparation of AIEs, Expenditure returns, quarterlyreporting of Revenue and Expenditures

Requirements for Appointment

i. Bachelor's Degree in a BusinessCourse,

ii. Certificate in AccountingPackages

iii. Computer LiteracyCertification

iv. Three (3) yearsexperience in relevant field


i. CertifiedPublic Accountant Section II

ii. Certificatein Accounting Packages

iii. ComputerLiteracy Certification

At least three (3) yearsexperience in relevant field

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