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Job Details/Description:

Terms: Five(5) years contract


Members shall be paid as per allowancesand benefits as determined and reviewed by the Salaries and RemunerationCommission (SRC).

Functionsof the Municipality Board of Baringo County.

(a)oversee the affairs of the municipality;

(b)develop and adopt policies, plans, strategies, and programs, and set targetsfor the delivery of services;

(c)formulate and implement an integrated development plan;

(d)promote and undertake infrastructural development and services within themunicipality;

(e)develop and manage schemes, including site development in collaboration withthe relevant national and county agencies;

(f)maintain a comprehensive database and information system of the administrationand provide public access thereto upon payment of a nominal fee to bedetermined by the board;

(g)implement applicable national and county legislation;

(h)monitor and, where appropriate, regulate municipal services where thoseservices are provided by the service providers other than the board of themunicipality;

(i) prepare its budget for approval by thecounty executive committee and administer the budget as approved; monitor theimpact and effectiveness of any services, policies, programs, or plans;

(j) establish, implement, and monitorperformance management systems;

(k)Perform such other functions as may be delegated to the Board by the CountyGovernment of Baringo or as may be approved by law.

Requirementsfor Appointment as Chairperson

(a)Be a Kenyan citizen,

(b)Be in possession of at least a university degree from an institution recognizedin Kenya;

(c)has a distinguished career in a medium-level management position in either theprivate or public sector;

(d)holds at least ten (10) years post qualification professional experience;

(e)is ordinarily resident or has a permanent dwelling in the municipality;

(f)carries on business in the municipality or has lived in the municipality for atleast five (5) years

(g) Meets the requirements of Chapter Sixof the Kenya Constitution 2010 and is not disqualified for appointment tooffice by the County Government Act or any other law

Requirementsfor the Appointment as a Member of the Municipal Board

(a)holds at least a diploma from an institution recognized in Kenya;

(b)has a distinguished career in a medium-level management position in either theprivate or public sector;

(c) holds at least five years ofpost-qualification professional experience; and

(d) satisfies the requirements of Chapter Sixof the Constitution;

(e) is ordinarily resident or has apermanent dwelling in the municipality; and

(f)carries on business in the municipality or has lived in the municipality for atleast five years

The Board of the Municipality shallperform the following functions

(a) oversee the affairs of theMunicipality;

(b) develop or adopt policies, plans,strategies and programmes and set targets for service delivery;

(c)formulate and implement an integrated development plan;

(d)control, land sub-division, land development, and zoning by public and privatesectors for any purpose, including industry, commerce, markets, shopping, andother employment centers, residential areas, recreational areas, parks,entertainment, passenger transport, agriculture, and freight and transitstations within the framework of the spatial and master plans for theMunicipality as delegated by the County Government of Baringo;

(e)promoting and undertaking infrastructural development and services within theMunicipality as delegated by the County Government of Baringo;

(f)developing and managing schemes, including site development in collaborationwith the relevant national and county agencies;

(g) maintaining a comprehensive databaseand information system of the administration;

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