Our Partners
Job Details/Description:


Terms: Three (3) years contract

Payment: Per SRC

Duties andResponsibilities

i. Ensure that the Company has complied with all therelevant laws

ii. Ensure the sustainability of the Company

iii. Approve Annual Budgets of the Company

iv. Prepare, approve and oversee the implementation ofthe Companys Strategic, Business, Investment and other plans.

v. Ensure the Company delivers on its core mandate ofprovision of clean safe water and sanitation services.

vi. Establish and maintain a proper management structurewith clear balance of power within the Company;

vii. Exercise all powers of the Company to borrow orraise capital externally subject to the Public Finance Management Act 2012;

viii. Appoint managing Director, Company Secretary andCorporate Management team for the Company;

ix. Appoint external Auditors;

x. Appoint advocate of the Company to carry out Legalundertakings of the Company;

xi. Provide guidelines and control of functions of thecompany in line with the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Company;

xii. Determine staffing levels of the Company andmaintain relevant policies for Human Resources;

xiii. Ensure the existence of Performance ManagementSystem

xiv. Authorize changes in Company Policy

xv. Approve tariffs of the Company in compliance withexisting legislation;

xvi. Ensure accountability of the Company stakeholders byholding Annual General Meetings (AGM);

xvii. Keep open and effective communication channels withCompany stakeholders;

xviii. Overall leadership of the Company.

Requirements for Appointment

· Possess a minimum of Higher National Diploma from recognized institution in the followingfields among others; Finance, Engineering, Science, Business/Management.

· Minimum of seven (7) years working experience in the core professionof a person or must have run a registered own enterprisefor minimum of 7 years.

· Must meet the leadership and integrity criteria under the constitution chapter 6 and meets the fit andpropertest criteria from WASREBas prescribed in the corporate Governanceguidelines.

· Board Members must represent known registered stakeholder group in the locality served by the WSP such as:

Ø Industry/ Manufacturingsector

Ø Relevant Commercial Sector

Ø Key water catchment areas that are sources of water for WSP

Ø Resident Associations

Ø Any other recognized registered bodies that affected by the WSP

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