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Water Sanitation And Irrigation

Baringo County is a water scarce county with a big percentage of the populace depending on ground water abstraction for their domestic and livestock water demand. However significant strides towards addressing the challenge of providing clean and safe drinking water for domestic use, livestock and irrigation purposes have been made since the onset of devolution in 2013.

So far, 317 boreholes have been sunk and fully equipped by the County Government which has increased the number of boreholes from 154 to the current 471. More than 32 masonry water storage tanks of various capacities have been constructed Countywide including several pipeline extensions enabling the residents to access safe water within a short distance.

Additionally, about 60 water pans of average capacity 12000m3 have been constructed since the onset of devolution in 2013. These water pans currently harvest water, store and enable people to provide water to their livestock including conducting kitchen gardening or minor irrigation in their households. Several springs and intakes have also been constructed and pipelines extended to reach the users for domestic, livestock and irrigation purposes.

Baringo County Government has also invested in the purchase of a drilling rig system. The machines are a set of 3 which includes a Rig, Support Truck and a Test Pumping Unit. As at now the machines have been used to drill an additional 51boreholes and rehabilitated 52 existing boreholes.

Before 2013, the water access coverage in Baringo County was below 35%. The Census Survey of 2019 had put Baringo County water access to safe drinking water at 39%. By allocating substantial budgetary resources to the Department, Baringo County Government through the leadership of H.E Governor Cheboi targets at pushing the water access to an average of 52% by the close of year 2027.
To improve food security especially in the face of climate change, the County Government has engineered a paradigm shift towards irrigated agriculture which guarantees stable agricultural productivity, as opposed to depending on the rains for farming activities. In 2013 there were only 6 functioning Irrigation schemes with 2800ha (6900acres) under active crop production.

As at 2023 we have 26 functional irrigation schemes with a productive 10,993 acres. The County Government has a target of raising it to 50,000 acres in the next 10 years against a County potential of 150,000 acres.


2013 154 Boreholes
2023 471 Boreholes

New Boreholes 317


2013 6 with 2800 acres
2023 26 with 10,993 acres
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