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Road Infrastructure - Improving Access Business

Baringo County Government has invested heavily on opening and improving access to productive regions as well as urban areas through the paving of town roads across the County to improve the business environment. So far, over 10 Kms of earth roads in Baringo towns have been upgraded to bitumen standards since 2013.

A lot of effort and resources have been put on beating Baringo’s rugged terrain, to extend earth and gravelled roads from 1,800 Kms in 2013 to the current 3,300 Kms, with many more roads expected to be gravelled after the county acquired 40 road machinery including dozer, motor graders, rollers, tippers, backhoe and excavators. These machines have greatly reduced the time and cost of construction as well as maintenance of the County road network.


2013 1,800 Kms
2023 3,300 Kms,
Call Toll Free: 1554