Our Partners

Services Rendered By Industry Department

1 Registration of co-operative societies Ksh. 3,500/= 60 days on receipt of application
  • Application form
  • Economic appraisal
  • Copy of By-laws
2 Registration of amended By-laws Ksh. 1,000/= 30 days
  • General meetings resolution
  • Certificate of amendments of the by-laws
  • Copies of proposed by-laws
3 Change of name Ksh. 3,000/= 14 days
  • General meetings resolutions
  • Copy of By-laws
4 Renewal of certificate of registration Ksh. 2,000/= 5 days
  • Application forwarded by the area SCCO
5 Registration of charges Ksh. 2,500/= 14 days
  • Charge instrument, General meeting resolution
6 Official search Ksh. 1,000/= 5 days
  • Application
7 Certification of documents Ksh. 1,000/= 5 days
  • Application
8 Co-operative Development Fund Free 30 days
  • Application form
  • Project proposal
9 Auditing of Societys accounts Agreed fees 30 days
  • Financial statements, Books of accounts
10 Registration of audited accounts 10% of audit fee 5 days
  • Audited accounts
11 Inquiries Actual cost of inquiry 30 days
  • Resolution by members,
  • Deposit of estimated cost
12 Inspection of books of an indebted society Actual cost of inspection 30 days
  • Application by creditor
  • Deposit of estimated cost
13 Liquidation Actual cost of liquidation 12 months
  • Relevant information and documents
14 Filing of declaration of wealth forms Free 7 days
  • Completed wealth declaration form
15 Registration of indemnity forms Free 7 days
  • Completed indemnity form
16 Appeals to the Minister Ksh. 1,000/= 3 months
  • Petitions


For enquiries contact:-

1 Sub County Co-operative Officer, Baringo Central, P.O. Box 101 -30400, KABARNET. Tel & Fax: 053 22057, 0724861366, KABARNET. Email: mdkiprop@gmail.com

2 Sub County Co-operative Officer, Baringo North, P.O. Box 126 -30401, KABARTONJO, Tel. 0724861366 Email: mdkiprop@gmail.com

3 Sub County Co-operative Officer, Eldama-Ravine. P.O. Box 129 -20103, ELDAMA -RAVINE. Tel. 0720 208 720. Email: dcokoibatek@gmail.com

4 Sub-County Co-operative Officer, Mogotio P.O. BOX 16-20105,MOGOTIO, Tel. 0724411355 Email:nelsonkabirer@gmail.com

5 Sub County Co-operative Officer, Baringo South/Tiaty P.O. Box 135 - 30403, MARIGAT. Tel: 0727 715 510 Email: wagwadavid@yahoo.com

If not satisfied,then contact the following:-

The County Co-operative Commissioner,
Baringo County Headquarters ,
County Commissioners Offices, KABARNET,
3rd floor room 302

P.O. Box 101- 30400 ,
Tel & Fax: 053 22057, 05322003
Ext. 266, 267, 268, 70, 271

Call Toll Free: 1554