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Directorate of Livestock Production

The Directorate of Livestock Production is responsible for the management and conservation of the genetic resource base, development of appropriate policy and legal framework, development of County and national marketing networks, value addition in livestock products, processing and agribusiness, quality assurance for livestock feeds and collaboration with research institutions and other stakeholders in technology development and provision of extension services. To carry out these functions, the department is structured into four divisions namely:

  1. Animal production division: This division focuses on dairy and beef production, sheep and goats, non-ruminants, livestock feeds and breeding. It also takes care of extension management, gender equity mobilization, extension information and publications, research extension liaison and food security.

  2. Range management division: This offers services in pastoralism and ranching, rangeland resource monitoring and camel production.

  3. Livestock marketing and value addition division: This is responsible for livestock information management, livestock market coordination and value addition of livestock and livestock products. It will also be in charge of monitoring and evaluation of projects.

  4. Apiculture and emerging livestock division that is responsible for offering services in beekeeping, quality assurance of bee products and emerging livestock.

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