Our Partners

The Directorate of Fisheries Development is tasked with fisheries management and promoting sustainable fishing practices, supporting the livelihoods of fishing communities, as ways to contribute to food security and economic development in the County. It plays the lead role in conservation of aquatic resources and the long-term viability of the fisheries sector.

The Department's specific functions are:

  1. Coordinate the management and development of inland fisheries.

  2. Promote and coordinate development of aquaculture

  3. Coordination of the preparation, review and implementation of fisheries policies, legislation and County specific Fisheries management plans

  4. Develop and manage fish seed bulking units

  5. Promotion of fish quality assurance, value addition and marketing

  6. Promote and strengthen fisheries extension services.

  7. Provision of extension services to the fisheries stakeholders in the value chain

  8. Issue and manage fisheries licenses.

  9. Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) of fisheries projects and programmes

  10. Management of fisheries related infrastructure(e.g fish landing beaches, cold chain facilities along the fish value chain and fish processing facilities

  11. Enforcement of fisheries regulations and ensure compliance

  12. Demarcation of fish breeding areas and development of maps for cage culture potential areas

  13. Promoting recreational and ornamental fisheries

  14. On farm trials and Outreach - eat more fish campaigns

  15. Zonation for aquaculture County specific disease control