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Emining ward covers 529.21 Sq kilometers and is located within Mogotio Sub - county. It is one of the thirty wards of Baringo County.

Churo Amaya Ward is located in Tiaty Sub County with an estimated population of 21,187 based on 2019 population census

Bartabwa community is situated in the agro-pastoral livelihood zone of Baringo North about 70 km North of Kabarnet Town

Kisanana Ward Participatory Climate Risk Assesment Report

Barwessa ward Participatory Climate Risk assessment was carried out from 17th to 21st April 2023 at Barwessa Trading Centre.

Mogotio ward is located in Mogotio constituency Baringo County. The ward has 7 locations with 15 sub-locations, with a total population of 41,018.

Kabartonjo Ward is located in Baringo North Sub-country in Baringo county. the ward has 3 Locations and 10 sub-locations

Proposed Budget For The Work Plan FY 2022-2023 Quarter 1

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