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Baringo-Korea partnership

The flourishing Baringo-Korea development collaboration moves a notch higher following the flying in of 33 South Korean delegates. The delegation included Gyeonggi-do province Assembly Members, Korean investors and, a representative of the World Best Friend Non- Governmental Korean Organization.
Upon arrival, the delegation was received by H.E Governor Benjamin Cheboi at Jomo Kenyatta International Airport this Afternoon. The delegation will be in the country for four days and they will spend two days in Baringo. The sojourn will culminate in the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between Gyeonggi-do province and Baringo County. The signing of the Memorandum of Understanding is meant to upsurge the healthcare of Baringo County Referral Hospital located at Kabarnet. While welcoming the delegation, Governor Cheboi said his administration will continue in investing in nurturing friendship and partnership between Baringo and Korea. He added that the partnership has led to a mutual benefit for the people of Baringo and Korea.
“We welcome our visitors and I am looking forward to sharing with them more areas of collaboration even as they witness the milestones that we have achieved together.” Governor Cheboi said. The delegation leader and founder of World Best Friend Organization Rev Cha Bo Yong said that their visit underscores their commitment to undertakings that have so far been entered into. Rev Cha looks forwards to a strong and vibrant ties with Baringo County.
The delegation in the company of Governor cheboi and several County Executive Committee Members among other government officials will visit the National Ministry of Health, Kenlvest and make a courtesy call to Deputy President H.E Rigathi Gachagua on Thursday 11th Thursday. On Friday, the team will travel to Baringo making a stopover at the Equator in Mogotio. Later on they will visit Baringo Cha Coffee Mill, AIC Ebenezer Academy, Baringo WBF ICT Center, the Governor’s office and Baringo County Referral Hospital.

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