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CECM Devolution, Public Service, ICT and, eGovernment, Hon. Penninah Bartuin reading the governor’s speech at Sawich area, Eldama RavineAs the world marked the Word Environment Day, Baringo County government in collaboration with its lead agencies today planted 5,575 tree seedlings at Sawich area of Chemususu Dam catchment in a bid to protect the springs that feed the dam.
While gracing the noble event, the CECM for Devolution, Public Service, ICT and eGovernment Penninah Bartuin reiterated that tackling the effects of climate change requires concerted efforts from all the stakeholders warning that if decisive action is not taken against this global crisis most countries Kenya included will suffer both economically and socially.
She gave an example of a frequent droughts experienced in the County leading to drying of rivers, dams and other water bodies resulting in conflicts like the one witnessed recently along river Emining where property worth millions were destroyed in the fight against water resources. "County government is committed in the fight against global change and so far we have enhanced tree planting, initiated the use of alternative fuel sources that are environmentally friendly, discouraged illegal logging and encroachment on forested land, charcoal production, water pollution and illegal dumping of wastes and negative human activities by enforcing the existin g environmental laws in collaboration with other enforcement agencies," she added.
Hon. Bartuin outlined county government's action towards fighting the effects of climate change; a total of 156,800 indigenous and exotic trees planted across the county especially in water springs and catchment areas and protected water sources as well as catchment areas. "We are focusing on wetlands and catchment because it is key in tackling this problem. Also, the department of Environment and Natural Resources has fenced off 42 water springs, rehabilitated two swamps, protected four hilltops and two river banks as well as building gabions on eroded areas of the rivers and planting trees to protect the soil," read part of the Governor's speech she delivered while representing him in the event.
Kenya Vision 2030 and Sustainable Development Goals envisages attaining a long-term development blueprint through empowering communities to own up environmental conservation agenda if the 10% forest cover and sustainable use of natural resources is to be achieved. The Kenya Kwanza Administration 'Bottom Up Economic Transformation Agenda' (BETA) as championed H.E President Dr. William Ruto EGH targets to attain the planting of 15 billion trees in the next ten years through their campaign dubbed "The national tree growing and restoration campaign" as one of the initiatives to address the effects of climate change. According to the County Forest Conservator, Anne Nyaoke, so far, the campaign has seen the planting of 2.2 million trees in Baringo County against the President's annual county target of 46 million trees this year.
In order to upscale food security efforts and enhance forest cover, county Government intends to distribute more fruits seedling to communities and schools. So far, more than 200,000 assorted fruit seedlings among them mango, hass avocado and macadamia have been distributed to farmers across the county.

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