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The people of Tiaty East and West Sub-Counties have been living a torrid life since, they are adversely affected by Trachoma disease. The disease can cause either partial or total blindness.
In 2014, a baseline survey was done which portrayed an alarming prevalence rate of 34.4% against the required level of World Health Organization(WHO) standard that is less than 5%.
Due to this, Baringo County Government in partnership with The Fred Hollows Foundation (FHF) led by Sarah Olalo and Sight Savers have been undertaking several interventions to mitigate effects caused by Trachoma. Through this partnership, a prevalent drop to 12.4% as at 2018 was evident.

Today, the department of Health Services launched the 8th and the last round of Mass Drug Administration(MDA) with a deliberate effort to reach 80% coverage of the total population per ward.
Trachoma has continuously caused debilitation among the people of Tiaty especially to children less than 10 years. The key component highlighted as a measure to prevent it is facial cleanliness and environmental sanitation. Tiaty residents thanked the strategic initiative with much delight for saving more than the half of the total population from losing their sight.

In the CECM Health Services Dr. Solomon Sirma’s speech read by CECM Youth and Culture Hon. Maureen Limashep, Baringo County Government has captured and prioritized resources in County Development Integrated Plan (CIDP) towardspreventive and promotive health and, primary health care in particular.

The event was attended by Dr. Patrick Boruett the director of preventive and promotive health, Hoseah Serech County NTDs coordinator, Dr. George Omondi Kenya Institute of Primate Research, representative of Kenya Sight Savers and the National team representative Titus Waititu among other leaders.

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