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The County Government eyes for possible ways of enhancing departmental Projects Flanked by CEC Lands, Housing and Urban Development Arch. Reuben Ruto, Governor Benjamin Cheboi EGH, EBS engaged Dr. Belgrade Ken of Rock Consultants Ltd to seek in possible ways of mobilizing resources from strategic partners in order to enhance our departmental projects instead of relying on exchequer and internal revenue streams only.

The consultant facilitates public sector strategic partnerships at National and County level on resource mobilization, capacity building and Public Private Partnerships. With the County's existing collaboration with World Bank, World Food Programme, African Development Bank, EU, USAID and other key development partners aligned to our National Treasury, this opportunity can provide an avenue for the county to harness resources towards the key sectors that positively impact on the livelihoods of our people.

The focus of the County Government is to support key economic sectors which include water & irrigation, agriculture, Urban Development and ICT. In addition, the County agreed to trigger the possibility of seeking partnerships that will enable utilization of Lake Baringo waters for irrigation targeting commercial Floriculture, Horticulture, Fruit farming and contract farming of cereals. Urban development planning is also an area of possible partnerships because with rural-urban migration and fast population growth, there is need to re-plan the towns located within the County due to pressure already exerted on existing resources particularly water supply systems, road network, housing and health services.

“We must digitize our revenue systems and automate health records, have functional sewer and solid waste disposal management facilities, areas that can only be fast tracked by strategic collaborations”, Governor Cheboi reiterated.

The County Government agreed to form a working committee which will include;
1. CEC Lands & Urban Development
2. CEC Water and Irrigation
3. CEC Roads and Infrastructure
4. CEC Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries
5. CEC Health Services
6. CEC Finance and Economic Planning
7. County Secretary
8. Adviser to Governor on Economic Affairs, to be tasked with generating proposals on key resource mobilization priority areas that can immediately improve livelihoods of our people.

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