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Baringo County Government has invested heavily in the health sector so as to achieve its vision of providing high quality reliable medical services to its residents. The continuous development of capacity for our staff in the health sector as well as improvement of facilities to better standards will ultimately bear fruit and reduce the burden of accessing medical services.

Under President Uhuru Kenyatta's Big Four Agenda, universal health care is a top priority and as County government we are keen to revitalize the sector by focusing more on primary health care so that we reduce the costs on curative services.

In this regard, the County Government in liaison with partners USAID Afya Uzazi, 19 medical staff from various cadres were trained on leadership skills for six months in Leadership Development Programme Plus (LDP+). LDP+ is an experiential learning and performance improvement process that empowers people at all levels of an organization to learn leadership, management, and governing practices. It is a unique programme in that it differs from traditional leadership training programs that introduce leadership theories and behaviors in a course setting.

The LDP+ improvement process links learning to the implementation of priority actions that achieve measurable public health results. Teams not only initiate changes but they carefully monitor the results of those changes over time.

Speaking while officiating graduation ceremony for the participants of the programme at Rift Hills Resort Kabarnet, Deputy Governor Hon. Jacob Chepkwony congratulated the graduates for completing the course and urged them to put into practice the skills acquired during the training process.

He expressed optimism that the training will enable the participants offer solutions to the myriad of challenges facing the sector and at the same time appealed to the Afya Uzazi to take more personnel through the programme so that the benefits can be cascaded to the lowest level of management of the health sector.

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