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Health facilities in Baringo County are offering free reproductive health services as the world observes the World Contraception month, which will culminate in the World Contraception Day on September 26th.
The WCD whose theme is "Contraception Choices: The power is in my hands," will be observed with a statistical backdrop of indicators pointing to the need to put more effort to upscale interventions towards improving awareness and access to Family Planning.
According to KDHS survey 2022 , uptake of family planning in Kenya stands at 57 % while Baringo is at 48%; fertility trends for Baringo stand at 4.4 average number of children per woman as compared to an national average of 3.4. The National teenage pregnancy in Kenya is at 15 % while Baringo registers a high of 20%.
The World Contraception Day is a worldwide awareness day that has been observed on 26 September every year for the past sixteen years. During this day, local, national and global healthcare organizations come together to raise awareness on contraception in the general population. The Day is key in the spread of awareness of various contraceptive options to individuals, especially young men and women, regarding Family Planning and Reproductive Health.
In marking the this day, Baringo has expressed commitment to further improve the Family Planning indicators and enhance reproductive health outcomes, with the Department of Health Services working closely with National Government Agencies and Partners to ensure availability of family planning commodities. This involves proper forecasting for FP commodities to match demand and supply, as well as capacity building of health care workers in order to improve their reproductive health knowledge and skills.
The County has also sustained efforts to avail requisite FP equipment as it employs Community Health Promoters (CHPs) and outreaches to create awareness both to take services close to clients and to drive demand for reproductive health services.
The World Contraception Day 2024 will be observed on September 26th at the Baringo County Referral Hospital in Kabarnet.
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