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Good governance in health systems is a key pillar that makes the delivery of accessible and affordable healthcare services to patients.

Courtesy of USIAD Uongozi wa Afya Thabiti (UAT),Baringo County Health Management Teams (CHMTs) were on 4th and5th July 2024 trained on strengthening governance, accountability, and strategic partnerships for inclusive health systems and leadership.

During the 2 day sensitization workshop, the CHMTswere taken through Health System Accountability and Transparency for effective, efficient and Quality health care services; Systems for Accountability; structures for transparency and the 12 principles of Good Governance. Other topics included Participatory planning and budgeting processes; Social accountability mechanisms and tools; inclusion of citizens in health governance structures and participation of civil society in the health sector planning, budgeting, performance review, policy formulation and other decision making processes.

The Project which is implemented by AMREF, will enable the CHMTs to strengthen accountability, transparency and participation in Baringo health sector toward achieving equity, quality and optimal use of public resources.

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