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The World Hepatitis Day (WHD) is a celebration held annually to raise awareness about viral hepatitis and its global impact on public health. Kenya joins the global community on July 28th every year in observing this important day that shines the light on the silent scourge that affects populations across the world.

Baringo County will host this year's national celebrations on 26 July at Marigat Sub County Hospital's new site. Stakeholders and partners unanimously agreed on the change of celebrations date, as 28 July 2024 falls on a Sunday.

Through educational campaigns, advocacy efforts, and community outreach initiatives, this day aims to increase awareness as many people are unaware of the risks, symptoms, and consequences of viral hepatitis. World Hepatitis Day educates individuals, communities, and policymakers about the importance of prevention, early detection, and treatment.

The day also aims to promote prevention, especially in consideration of the fact that Hepatitis is largely preventable through vaccination, safe injection practices, hygiene measures, and avoiding risky behaviors such as unprotected sex and sharing needles. On WHD, individuals are encouraged to take preventive actions to reduce their risk of contracting hepatitis viruses.

WHD will also serve as a platform to encourage testing and diagnosis as millions of people worldwide are living with viral hepatitis without knowing it, even when early diagnosis and timely treatment to prevent liver damage and complications and could mean the difference between beating the disease or succumbing to it.

The national celebrations will also be a way of advocating for access to affordable and quality healthcare services, including vaccination, testing, and treatment, is crucial in the fight against hepatitis. This day advocates for policies and resources to ensure equitable access to hepatitis prevention, diagnosis, and care services for all.

Global efforts aim to eliminate viral hepatitis as a public health threat by 2030, as outlined in the World Health Organization's Global Hepatitis Strategy, and WHD brings to focus the progress in this regard. Towards this, WHD pushes for the scaling up of prevention measures, expanding testing and treatment services, and addressing social determinants of health to achieve hepatitis elimination goals.

By fulfilling these purposes, World Hepatitis Day contributes to reducing the burden of hepatitis-related illness, preventing liver-related deaths, and ultimately working towards a world free from the threat of viral hepatitis.

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