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With Baringo County's skilled attendant births standing at 64.9 % and maternal mortality ratio of33/100,000 in the year 2023, the Reproductive Health Unit of the Health Department has finalized a countywide assessment in a bid to identify and bridge the gaps which occur when offering Maternal and Newborn Care in County health facilities, Faith Based Organization hospitals as well as in private healthcare institutions.

Recorded at about 35%,data indicate that Baringo County still has high numbers of home births which necessitates the implementation of measures including strengthening on the job training for health care workers on Emergency Maternal Obstetric and Newborn Care (EMONC) in order to reach zero preventable maternal deaths through simple affordable interventions.

In partnership with Dandelion Africa who are supporting the Health Department in Maternal and Newborn Health in Baringo County, the survey sought to find out the number of qualified staff deployed to offer maternal and newborn care services, availability and condition of maternity equipment e.g. couches, blood pressure ambu bags for resuscitation, delivery sets and maternity commodities and supplies levels.

The Survey also sought to find out the levels of knowledge and skills including skill to handle obstetric emergencies, data and documentation, leadership and governance, existing protocols and guidelines as well as prevailing infection prevention and control measures within facilities.

Dissemination of the EMONC facility assessment findings to County and Sub County Health Management Teams as well as Partners will be done next week.

The Department shall thereafter roll out intervention, which will include training of healthcare workers and other measures based on the identified gaps.

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