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Baringo County is extremely susceptible to the impacts of a changing climate because most livelihoods and economic activities are reliant on climate-sensitive natural resources. Droughts, floods, rising water levels in lakes, extreme weather events and rising temperatures in particular have had devastating consequences on the environment, society and economy.

The County has therefore rallied all stakeholders to invest in and play active roles in climate change mitigation and adaptation interventions for the last 10 years.

It has provided leadership through formulation of Policies and legislations including the Baringo County Climate change Policy, 2021, Baringo County Climate change Act, 2022 and Baringo County Climate Change Regulation 2023, developed the County climate change action plan 2022-2027 as well as the Baringo County Forest Bill which is at the drafting stage. The developed County Participatory Climate Change Vulnerability Risk Assessment (PCRA) report is helping the County administration in making evidence based decisions regarding climate change issues.

Among other strategies, the County Government has spearheaded the formation and inauguration of Ward Climate Change Committees, County Steering Committee and County Technical Planning Committee to oversee the implementation of the climate change Act in the County. This has been complemented by Climate change sensitization and awareness campaigns particularly in disaster risk areas within the County, implementation of soil and water conservation measures like soil erosion control and gulley control and rehabilitation, spring, wetland protection and catchment protection Restoration and re-vegetation of bare and degraded areas as well as the promotion of the use of renewable energy.

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