Our Partners
  • Baringo county is endowed with numerous natural attractions, among them the internationally acclaimed Lakes Baringo and Bogoria which are Ramsar Sites; it has gushing rivers, hills and valleys, small to large wild life, cold to hot springs, small to large birds. It has gorges and waterfalls, caves and rich fossil deposits. Its natural forests are beautiful. Owing to this, the county is a current candidate for the Global Geopark status. Currently Baringo County Government in partnership with UNESCO and KNATCOM are carrying out analysis of 15 Geosites for gazettement in its quest to be declared a UNESCO GLOBAL GEOPARK. This will Make Baringo County Geosites the first ones of its kind and only ones in Kenya; if granted the Global Geoparks Charter, Kenya will become the third host of Geosites in Africa after Morocco and Tanzania

  • We pride ourselves in rich culture of our Tugen, pokot, Ill Chamus, Turkana and Kikuyu Communities.

  • Baringo has a few world class tourists resort/lodges e.g. Lake Bogoria Spa Resort, Soi Safari Lodge, Island Camp, Samatian Camp, Tumbili Resort, Kibelion Hotel, Sobak, Lomanira Splendour etc.

  • The county's over six forests are a sight to behold, with some of the tallest trees in the East African Region. They are catchment for birds.

BARINGO COUNTY GOVERNMENT developed regulations “Baringo County Community Wildlife Conservancies Fund 2014" that governs disbursements of grants to existing community conservancies within the County. It has enabled the community conservancies which have risen from the initial Two (2) to Current Fourteen (14) across the Six Sub Counties to organize themselves under the umbrella of Baringo County Community Association, attracting partnership support from the European Union (EU) and United Nation Development Programs (UNDP). These efforts are grounded on the Wildlife Conservation and management Act (2013) which provides a robust legislative basis for the provision of conditional rights to communities to manage wildlife and to benefit from its management by offering legal guideline for formation of a conservancy.

The programme provides appropriate incentives and conditions for rural people to invest their time, money and effort in conservation of wildlife and wild habitat. Through active management of wildlife in a sustainable way, benefits are now being generated for communities. This contribute to improving rural livelihoods by providing economic incentives and enabling land holders management authority to take key decisions regarding the use of wildlife and to earn direct income from flora and fauna found within their localities.


2013 2
2023 14,
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