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It is a county with unique scenic features, rugged terrain and beautiful tourism products that are worth visiting especially Lake Bogoria National Game Reserve, Lake Baringo, Tugen Hills and rare wildlife.

The Fauna is largely composed of the Big Five; Elephants at Lake Kapnarok national reserve and occasionally in Baringo South and Tiaty along Kaptuya community conservancy, Buffaloes, Leopards, Giraffes, Zebras, Brown Monkey, Greater Kudus in Lake Bogoria national reserve and among many others.

Key among the tourism attractions include; the Hot springs and Geysers in Lake Bogoria and Cheparuas/Kapedo hot springs, Lake Kamnarok and Lake Bogoria National Reserves, Cheploch Gorge, Flamingos in Lake Bogoria, Large Species of Birds, and Magnificent Hills and Mountains. The County boasts of high class tourist resort Centres, among them Soi Safari Lodge, and Lake Bogoria Spa Resorts.

Other interesting tourist locations include Reptile Park, which is one of the largest reptile parks in the Rift Valley. Another one is Ruko Wildlife Conservancy that has scenic attractions ranging from wildlife to cultural villages. Korossi volcano, which rises 1,449m above sea level, offers an ideal spot for watching birds such as bat hawks and majestic verreauxs eagle. Kabarnet National Museum and Kipsaraman Community Museum are located on top of Tugen Hills. The museums form unique tourist sites with varied attractions and house tradi- tional Kalenjin artefacts, which include musical instruments, storage equipment, furniture and ornamental decorations.

At Eldama Ravine, there are the Kursalal falls, a stunning waterfall within Lembus forests. Programmes and activities undertaken include development of new tourism products and services, regulation and marketing. The sub-sector key focus is to address issues on policy reforms, capacity building, private sector linkages, and product competitiveness.

It is against this background that Baringo County tourism sector is positioning itself strategically in order to tap into the rich tourism potential that the future holds.

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