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Exotic forests exist in the County but the known indigenous forests are found in Kabarnet, Kabartonjo, Tenges, Lembus, Saimo, Sacho, Ol'Arabel and Eldama Ravine.

The main exotic species are: Grevillea Robusta, Cupressus Lusitanica and Eucalyptus Saligna. Prosopis Juliflora also exists in Marigat area. Kipng’ochoch forest in Sacho, one of the 10 forest blocks under Tenges forest station, is an example of a well conserved indigenous forest where visitors and nature lovers can view the entire Lake Baringo basin, fluorspar mines, Laikipia ranges, Elgeyo escarpment, Kerio Valley and other touristic attractions that the County offers.

The County is classified as arid and semi-arid. Most parts of Tiaty West, Tiaty East, Baringo Central, Baringo South, Baringo North, and Mogotio Sub-Counties are arid and semi-arid except for Koibatek Sub-County, which is in a highland zone. Most of these arid and semi-arid zones are covered by acacia trees and shrubs. Rainfall ranges between 300 mm and 500 mm, decreasing from South to North.

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