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Lake Bogoria is a popular tourist destination in Kenya due to its unique features and attractions. Here are some of the tourism activities that visitors can engage in while visiting the lake:

  1. Bird watching - Lake Bogoria is home to over 350 bird species, including flamingos, pelicans, and cormorants. Visitors can observe these birds from a close range, especially during the breeding season when the lake turns pink with thousands of flamingos.
  2. Hot springs - The lake is famous for its hot springs that are rich in minerals and have therapeutic properties. Visitors can take a dip in the hot springs and enjoy a relaxing bath while enjoying the stunning views of the lake.
  3. Wildlife viewing - Lake Bogoria is home to a variety of wildlife, including zebras, baboons, warthogs, and gazelles. Visitors can take a safari tour around the lake to view these animals in their natural habitats.
  4. Hiking - The cliffs around the lake provide a perfect hiking terrain for visitors who love to explore. Hikers can enjoy the breathtaking views of the lake and the surrounding landscapes.
  5. Cultural tours - Visitors can interact with the local communities around the lake and learn about their culture and traditions. They can also visit nearby villages and markets to experience the local way of life.
Overall, Lake Bogoria offers a unique experience for visitors, with its breathtaking views, hot springs, birdlife, and wildlife making it a must-visit destination in Kenya.

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