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Lake Baringo is a fascinating national park situated in the remote west-central region of Kenya in a distance of 290 kilometers from Nairobi, the park is located in Baringo County. Lake Baringo is a less known lake when compared to its fellow rift valley lakes such as Lake Nakuru, Lake Naivasha, and Bogoria, though it is a hidden gem with breathtaking scenic views, abundant birdlife, islands, and animals. Lake Baringo is a great stopover while on a safari on the northern circuit tour in destinations like Samburu national reserve, Shaba and Buffalo Springs national parks.

Lake Baringo is surrounded by Marigat which is a main town and other smaller settlements of Kampi ya Samaki and Loruk

Tourist attractions in Lake Baringo

Lake Baringo is more than just a lake as consists of many tourists attractions making it a great tourist destination to visit while on a safari in Kenya, these attractions include

Lake Baringo

Lake Baringo is a freshwater lake lieing in the northern edge of the Great Rift Valley covering an area of 130 square kilometers. Lake Baringo is part of the East African Rift system with Tugen hills, uplifted fault block of volcanic and metamorphic rocks in the west and Laikipia Escarpments in the East.

Lake Baringo is fed by 3 rivers that is river Molo, river Perkerra and river and has no outlet, this lake with Lake Naivasha are the only freshwater lakes in the rift valley. Lake Baringo is a great bird habitat with over 470 bird species including the flamingoes, pelicans, cormorants and fish eagles, the lake also features islands which are visited on a boat ride. Lake Baringo also consists of fish species such as tilapia, Nile perch, African catfish, barbell, marbled lungfish and many more.


Lake Baringo national park is a home to a reasonable population of wildlife and it is known for hosting the last remaining population of greater kudu in Kenya, these animals are shy in nature and they usually hide in thickets. Animals in Lake Baringo national park include impala, dik-dik, zebra, Grants gazelle, warthogs, hippos, crocodile, klipspringer, rock hyrax and many more.


Lake Baringo national park is a paradise for birders and a habitat to over 450 bird species, these birds are habit most especially at the shores and in the islands of Lake Baringo and they include flamingoes, Goliath heron, African eagle, African open bill stork, African paradise flycatcher, violet wood hoopoe, Abyssinian scimitar bill, African wattled lapwing, Black-headed lapwing, Black-necked grebe, Black-tailed godwit, Cape teal, DArnauds barbet, Egyptian vulture, Golden-backed weaver, Greater painted-snipe, Grosbeak canary, Lesser Honeyguide, Narina trogon, Rufous chatterer, Rufous-crowned roller, Sombre nightjar, Southern Pochard, Steel-blue whydah, Temmincks stint, Verreauxs eagle, White-billed buffalo-weaver and many more


Lake Baringo consists of 7 islands which attract numerous tourists for island exploration safari experience, these islands include Rongena, Samatian, Ol Kokwe, Parmolos, Gibraltor, Lokoros and Devils Island as explained below

Ol Kokwe Island

Ol Kokwe Island is the largest island in Lake Baringo sitting in the middle of the lake, the island is now an extinct volcano and a residence for the local Njemps people and it is on this island where Baringo island camp is found. Ol Kokwe island consists of hot springs and fumaroles which contain sulphur deposits.

Devils Island

The Devils Island is an interesting island with various myths, the local Njemps believe this island is a home of devils which explains its name. This island is said to feature howling sounds and blue flames that can be seen at night, according to the myths on this island the locals consider it the forbidden island and the locals are usually pleased with the tourists visiting the island risking to climb the rocks which is forbidden.

Gibraltor Island

Gibraltor Island is a small island in size and a great habitat for birds, the island is a home to the largest population of Goliath heron ever recorded in East Africa. The goliath heron is apparently the largest heron among the heron family and found of living around water source and this island is a perfect place to see these birds while in Lake Baringo national park.

Samatian Island

Samatian Island is a small green island, this island accommodates the Samatian island camp which offers accommodation to tourists visiting the lake and the park.

Lake Baringo also has smaller islands , unfortunately during rainy season these islands disappear and reappear when the water levels go down.

Best time to Lake Baringo national park

Lake Baringo national park is good to visit throughout the year because it generally experiences warm weather conditions throughout the year, Lake Baringo national park receives 2 rainy seasons in the period of April June and October December. According to the fact that the best experience is got in dry season the best time to visit the park is in dry season which is experienced in the period of July to September and January March.


Accommodation in Lake Baringo national park

Lake Baringo national park has numerous accommodation facilities offering bed and other facilities and services to tourists visiting the park for a safari, these accommodation facilities include island camp Baringo, Sandai resort , Soi safari lodge, Roberts camp. Samatian Island, Ronella cottages, Tumbili cliff lodge and many more.

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